Serving Côte Saint Luc since 2011, Santé Kildare proudly offers a modern, multidisciplinary approach to health and wellness. In recognition of the clinic’s commitment to comprehensive care and extended medical hours, Santé Kildare was designated a GMF by the Minister of Health in October 2012.
A Family Medicine Group (GMF) is a team of doctors who work in close cooperation with nurses and other health professionals to promote the principles of family and community medicine.
With our team of healthcare professionals and ongoing commitment to excellent care, Santé Kildare is an ideal destination for all of your family’s medical needs.
Commitment to Teaching
Santé Kildare is an accredited teaching site for McGill Medical, Nursing and Dietician students, as well as one of the few approved Nurse Practitioner training locations. Physicians at Santé Kildare supervise first year McGill medical students in the Longitudinal Family Medicine Experience (LMFE) Program, as well as third and fourth year McGill medical students during their Family Medicine Clerkship rotations. Santé Kildare also accepts elective medical students from other universities including foreign medical schools and Internal Medical Graduates (IMGs) planning to practice in Canada. Several Santé Kildare physicians are mentors in the McGill four-year longitudinal apprenticeship program, a distinct component of the undergraduate medical curriculum.
Collaboration with CLSCs and CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Santé Kildare works in partnership with CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal and CLSCs Rene Cassin and Benny Farm to offer collaborative care to high risk individuals. Programs are targeted towards patients with pre-Diabetes, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Dementia and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Starting in January 2024, Santé Kildare became the first GMF in Quebec to integrate an Occupational Therapist in its dynamic multidisciplinary team.
Response to COVID 19
During the COVID 19 pandemic, Santé Kildare staff were redeployed throughout the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal network to help during this unprecedented crisis. Our dietician and nurse practitioners volunteered at St. Andrew's CHSLD, Place Kensington, and Vigi Mont-Royal CHSLD. Our social worker directed patients from the call centre at the Jewish General Hospital. Our doctors assisted at Maimonides and Jewish Eldercare CHSLDs, as well as private residences and the Résidences intermédiaires Lev Tov and Pavillion Lasalle. Santé Kildare took administrative and medical leadership roles with the implementation and functioning of the two CDEs or "Hot" COVID clinics in our territory in the parking lots of Cavendish Mall in Cote Saint Luc and in front of Pavillion H at the Jewish General Hospital. SouperHéro, a grassroots, volunteer project to provide frontline healthcare workers with a container of frozen soup to take home at the end of their shift, was created and managed by Santé Kildare leadership.
Accessibility and Continuity of Care
Santé Kildare was approved by Canada Health Infoway in 2015 for the Wave 2 e-Booking Initiative to promote patient on-line access. 8 730 on-line appointments were booked in 2015. In 2022 alone, the number of on-line bookings has exceeded 90 000.
All Santé Kildare family physicians offer Access Adapté appointments. Introduced in 2016, Access Adapté is now promoted by the MSSS (Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux) to provide timely access to care. More than half of all appointments are available within 72 hours.
Santé Kildare participates in the Guichet d'accès à la première ligne (GAP) program to offer daily appointments to orphan patients registered on the Guichet d'accès à un médecin de famille (GAMF) waiting list. In November 2022, Santé Kildare was designated a Clinique Désignée Populationnelle (CDP) to help deal with the crisis in ERs in Montreal and the surrounding regions.
Since September 2014, Santé Kildare has ranked 1st among the GMFs and GMF-Rs (Super-clinics) in RLS Cavendish for Taux d’assiduité or “patient fidelity.”
Advocacy and Media
Santé Kildare physicians are vocal proponents of Family and Social Medicine. Several physicians have been approached and interviewed by media outlets, such as the Gazette, MATv, CTV News, Global TV, CBC, City News, National Talk Radio and CJAD, to discuss and comment on pertinent medical issues.
Hear Dr. Kalin`s interview on City News "Quebec family doctors reach deal with government to see more patients."
Hear Dr. Kalin`s interview on City News "Quebec doctors must acquire patients on online portal due to new law."
Hear Dr. Kalin's Montreal Now Radio interview with Aaron Rand "Why this family doctor is accusing the Legault government of turning primary care into 'McMedicine'."
Read Dr. Kalin's interview "McMedicine fuel`s Quebec`s family doctor crisis."
Read Dr. Kalin's interview "PREMs driving new doctors out of public health system"
Hear Dr. Kalin's Montreal Now Radio interview with Aaron Rand and Natasha Hall: "He has an idea to help with the shortage of doctors in the province"
Hear Dr. Kalin's National Talk Radio interview with Deb Hutton on "Quebec`s Family Doctor Crisis the Worst in Canada"
Read Dr. Kalin's editorial "Arguments against the annual checkup are not convincing"
Read Dr. Kalin's editorial "Let's stop accepting a broken health care system"
Read Dr. Kalin's interview "Rx for the family doctor shortage"
See Dr. Michael Kalin's interview on CTV news to discuss stress during the COVID19 pandemic.
See Dr. Michael Kalin's interview on CityLife discussing the future of telemedicine.
See Dr. Michael Kalin's interview on CityLife discussing AI and Healthcare.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Contributions to Research
Santé Kildare is committed to research and initiated and/or actively participates in several research projects.
The innovative SCRIPs project was developed at Santé Kildare in 2012. The program studied compliance among patients to personalized written prescriptions for diet and lifestyle changes. Results were presented at the College of Family Physician of Canada's annual conference - Family Medicine Forum - in Quebec City in October 2014.
The Diabetes Empowerment Group Program seeks to validate a new tool to measure patient empowerment and improve diabetes management by developing group-based support programs.
Santé Kildare collaborates with CognisantMD in a pilot project using electronic tablets to apply a measurement based care approach in major depression management.
Santé Kildare was selected to participate in the University of Toronto Department of Family and Community Medicine Quality Improvement "teaming" project. High functioning primary care teams were chosen across Canada with the goal of developing a blueprint and action plan to guide primary care teams to function effectively. The ultimate outcome leading to improved health of populations, improved and patient and provider experiences and improved value. The findings were presented at the College of Family Physician of Canada's annual conference - Family Medicine Forum - in Montreal in October 2017.
Collaboration with PQDCS and DSP
Santé Kildare physicians and nurses collaborate with the Direction de santé publique (DSP) du CIUSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’île-de-Montréal and the Québec breast cancer screening program (PQDCS) as volunteer health professionals to receive, review and follow mammogram results of women who do not have a family physician.
Medical Informatics
Santé Kildare prides itself in seeking out the newest developments in medical information technology including MyOscar, Kindred Patient Health Records,, Bonjour Santé, and Sofy on-line booking to improve patient access. Continually changing and upgrading, different platforms are integrated in efforts to improve the patient experience.
Working with Info-Data Logiciels, Santé Kildare upgraded from McMaster open-source Oscar to OscarQc electronic medical records in January 2016. In January 2019, Santé Kildare adopted Info-Data Logiciels' Ofys EMR platform to meet Quebec's evolving requirements.
Santé Kildare is integrated with the province`s DSQ (Dossier Santé Québec) centralized databank and is a partner in the implementation of the Project Solution Régionale de Laboratoire (SRL).
Santé Kildare is one of the first and only medical clinics in Quebec to use CognisantMD's Ocean Platform to improve patient files and gather crucial medical information. Starting in Spring 2018, Santé Kildare introduced a secure contact form using Ocean technology enabling patients to communicate safely and securely with the clinic. These enhancements help protect patient privacy and allow for the encrypted transfer of medical information through the CognisantMD portal.
Santé Kildare is proud to partnered with Tia Health to offer innovative and state-of-the-art virtual care with your doctor and medical team from your phone, tablet or computer. Introduced in October 2018, telemedicine supports Santé Kildare's mission to modernize and improve health care access and delivery.
Most recently, in response to the COVID 19 global pandemic, Santé Kildare converted into a virtual office to keep our patients safe. Working with Info-Data Logiciels, Jitsi Meet App was integrated into the Ofys EMR to provide uninterrupted care from/to home.
Working with Info-Data, the on-line patient portal Sofy was launched in January 2021. Sofy is a secure platform through which you can receive messages from your healthcare professional, book appointments with your family doctor and other professionals, and view your list of past and future appointments. Any user from the clinic can send you messages and documents, including results and exam requisitions. Your data is protected and stored securely.
Starting in January 2023, Santé Kildare physicians are connected to the new Quebec Virtual Care Platform (PSV). Virtual consultations can be sent to dermatologists using photos and clinical information provided by our family doctors. The diagnosis and action plan are communicated back to our physicians who prescribe the treatment and provide follow-up for the condition.
Green Health
Working with the Hamilton Family Health Team, Santé Kildare adopted many green initiatives in March 2023 towards building a sustainable workplace and improving health outcomes. Using the Green Office Toolkit, developed by the Canadian Coalition of Green Health Care, we implemented changes such as deprescribing certain medications, switching from metered-dosed inhalers, promoting plant-rich eating, prescribing nature (Prescri-Nature), and decreasing waste.